
Background Image Alternative Text: Foundation art class with Professor Callander
Art Advising

Art Advising

Advising Guidelines

  • Advisingisavailabletoall students andstrongly encouraged.
  • Asign‐upsheettomeetwithyouradvisorwillbepostedon your advisor’s office door.
  • Itisthestudent’sresponsibilitytosign‐upforanadvisingappointment.If you do not participate in advising, it is assumed that you understand the process and take responsibility for your registration.
  • You will notbe releasedunlessyouhaveeither had your advising appointmentorsignedthewaiverofadvising.

What to do before your advising appointment

ڴǰdzܰ屹ԲپԲ,dzܲdzٱԻԲǴٳǷdzܳԳٲ. Ifyou have notcompletedall theitems,youwillnotbeadvised,andyouwillhaveto reschedule.

  1. Advising Form:This form must be signed.
  2. Review CAPP report from the ò Banner system.
  3. Degree audit form:Fill out this document with the semester (semester and year, e.g. fall 2019) and grade for the course. Courses in which you are currently enrolled should include the semester only.
  4. ò Registration worksheet:This is available in the main office of the Department of Art.

Further information on the specifics of electives and required classes

Background Image Alternative Text: Freeman Hall exterior, Dept of Art

Contact Us
Department of Art

  • 415 Barr Avenue
  • 102 Freeman Hall

  • Post Office Box 5182
  • Mississippi State, MS 39762
  • Phone: (662) 325-2970
  • Campus Mail Stop: 9638
art@caad.msstate.edu Department of Art Directory

(662) 325-2202

Building Construction Science

(662) 325-8305

Interior Design

(662) 325-0530

Dean's Office

(662) 325-5150